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    The information contained on this website is provided as general information and in no way or manner constitutes legal advice. The information contained on this website is not intended to apply to any specific situation, transaction or set of facts or circumstances, as each situation is unique.  The information contained on this website should not to be relied upon without seeking advice from an attorney who is competent in the relevant field/s of law.


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    Simply contacting The Grady Firm, P.C by email, chat, phone or other type of communication will not establish an attorney-client relationship between You (the reader) and The Grady Firm, P.C. (“us” or “the Firm”).


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    As a result, the reader should not transmit any confidential or sensitive information to us until a formal attorney-client relationship has been established. The Firm does not agree to accept and/or maintain the secrecy of any unsolicited information the reader send to us unless an attorney-client relationship currently exists between us.  The Firm cannot permit an attorney-client relationship to exist until we have obtained all necessary information and evaluated all relevant information concerning potential conflicts of interest.  Even in the absence of a conflict of interest, the Firm in its sole discretion, may decide not to enter into an attorney-client relationship with You


    No attorney-client relationship shall arise until such time as an Attorney-Client Fee Agreement is expressly and explicitly executed by both the reader and the Firm.


    2. No representations


    No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed at the Firm is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers other firms.  No representation is made that the fees of the legal services to be performed are less that the fees of legal services performed by other lawyers or other firms. Regarding any case or transaction for which our fees are contingent or partially contingent on the outcome of such case or transaction, the client is obligated to pay any associated court costs and expenses regardless of such outcome.


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    The reader uses the information contained on the website at his or her own risk and assumes full responsibility for any loss sustained thereby.  Neither The Grady Firm, P.C nor any of its attorneys, associates, independent contractors, affiliates or employees will be liable for any damages incurred by the reader should the reader attempt to use the information contained on this website. 


    All Content is provided “AS IS”.  The Grady Firm, P.C does not ensure that the Content is timely or accurate, or will remain accurate or is complete.  Content may be correct when published and later become obsolete or incorrect.  The Firm does not represent that the Content will be free of errors, defects or viruses, or that any such errors, defects or viruses will be corrected.  The Firm expressly disclaims all implied warranties, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.


    The reader uses the information contained on the website at his or her own risk and assumes full responsibility for any loss sustained thereby.  Neither The Grady Firm, P.C nor any of its attorneys, associates, independent contractors, affiliates or employees will be liable for any damages incurred by the reader should the reader attempt to use the information contained on this website. 


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    This Site may contain links to other websites for your convenience.  These sites are not under the control of The Grady Firm, P.C, and the Firm has no responsibility for the content contained on any linked site and disclaims all liability for anything contained on a linked site.  If the reader links to any sites from the Site, he does so entirely at his own risk. The reader should review the terms of use and privacy policy of any site to which he links from the Site.


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